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Edios ePatHistory
Edios ePatHistory (Electronic Patient Medical History) is Android Tablet & Apple iPad based solution to capture the Patient Demographics, Insurance, Medical History, Allergies, Medications, Social History and other critical information required in primary care consultations. Patient’s most health encounters will result in some form of history being captured. The information obtained in this way, together with the physical examination, enables the physician and other health professionals to form a diagnosis and treatment plan. It is well accepted that diagnosis is revealed in the patient’s history.
ePatHistory (EPMH) Features
Edios ePatHistory solution is Android Tablet & Apple iPad compatible with size from 7 to 10 inches
Designing of Custom Patient Medical History Form as per requirements of Individual Provider or Organization
Capturing of Digital Signatures of Patients & Staff (Reviewer)
Print & Email functionality of Filled & Signed Patient Medical History Form
One Time Complete Data Entry and only Updates in future
Supports integration with any EMR or EHR using Healthcare Standards & Protocols (HL7, RestAPI, Web Services etc.)
Supports integration with any Document / Content Management System (DCMS) for storing Patient Medical History Forms
HIPAA compliant software solution which has stringent security and privacy practices to protect patient’s health information. It follows strict and standardized procedures in areas of Access Controls and security
ePatHistory (EPMH) Benefits
Save Paper & Save Environment
Avoid Duplicate Data Entry
Avoid Data Entry Errors & Typos
Avoid Repetitive Filling of Paper Based Patient Medical History Form
Save Patient Time for filling Paper Based Patient Medical History Form on each visit
Email Filled & Signed Patient Medical History Form to Patients